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Agile Methods

Embrace agile methods, with our teams, to respond promptly to market changes and effectively involve relevant stakeholders in your projects.

Adopting a new mindset

Fostering a new organisational culture with Agile methods

Agile methods have significantly influenced software testing, bringing a more dynamic, collaborative, and efficient approach to quality assurance. Adopting Agile methodologies in software testing offers numerous benefits that align with the fast-paced, change-driven nature of modern software development. These methods bring a transformative approach to software testing, aligning testing practices with the dynamic and collaborative nature of modern software development.

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It fosters close collaboration between developers, testers, and stakeholders throughout the testing process, with frequent iterations and reviews. This approach allows for immediate feedback on the functionality and user experience of the software, enabling rapid adjustments and ensuring that the final product aligns closely with user needs and expectations. 

The iterative nature of Agile also means that risks are continually reassessed and managed throughout the development process. 
Early detection and resolution of defects reduce the cost of fixing issues, compared to discovering them later in the development cycle or after release. Moreover, the ability to adapt to changes without extensive rework contributes to overall cost efficiency. 

And it’s not merely about adopting a new set of tools or practices; it's about fostering a new organizational culture that values adaptability, collaboration, and customer satisfaction above all. 

Our team helps you

Stay competitive and responsive to customer needs

icon-personal_development Cultural shift Adopting Agile requires a shift in mindset for everyone involved—from top management to team members.
icon_feedback Open Communication How to cultivate an environment where open communication is encouraged, and all team members feel valued and heard.
icon-training Continuous learning Promote a culture of continuous learning and improvement, encouraging teams to stay updated on practices and tools.
icon-risk_based_testing Incremental development Break down projects into smaller, manageable iterations or sprints, allowing teams to focus on delivering software frequently.
icon_collaboration Collaboration with stakeholders Fostering close collaboration to ensure their needs and feedback are continuously integrated into the development process.
icon-strategy Change
Preparing a change management plan to address potential resistance and ensure a smooth transition.
Need help fostering a change of mindset?

Working in agile mode

It's something we master and can seamlessly implement within your project management framework. By fostering collaboration and adaptability, we ensure greater efficiency and successful project outcomes.


Common questions about
agile methods

What exactly are Agile methods in software development?

Agile methods are a set of principles and practices for software development that emphasize flexibility, collaboration, customer feedback, and rapid delivery of value. Originating from the Agile Manifesto, Agile methodologies prioritize individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. Popular Agile frameworks include Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme Programming (XP). 

Why should a team or an organization adopt agile methods?

Agile methods offer several benefits, including improved product quality, higher customer satisfaction, increased project visibility, enhanced team collaboration, and greater adaptability to change. By focusing on iterative development, continuous feedback, and flexibility, Agile enables teams to deliver value faster and more efficiently, while also being able to respond to changes in customer needs or market conditions more effectively.

What makes Agile methods different from traditional Waterfall methods in software development?

The primary difference between Agile and Waterfall methods lies in their approach to software development. Waterfall is a linear and sequential approach, where each phase must be completed before the next begins, and changes are difficult to implement once the process is underway. Agile, on the other hand, is iterative and incremental, allowing for continuous development, testing, and incorporation of feedback throughout the life of the project. This flexibility enables Agile teams to adapt to changes and deliver working software more frequently.

What are the steps to successfully implement Agile methods in a development team?

Implementing Agile methods involves several key steps:

  • Education and Training - Start by educating the team and stakeholders about Agile principles and practices. 
  • Choose an Agile Framework - Select an Agile framework (e.g., Scrum, Kanban) that best fits the team's needs and project goals. 
  • Define Roles and Responsibilities - Clearly define roles within the team, such as Scrum Master, Product Owner, and team members, in the case of Scrum. 
  • Start Small - Begin with a pilot project or a small team to learn and adapt the Agile process before scaling up. 
  • Embrace Continuous Improvement - Use retrospectives and feedback loops to continuously assess and improve the Agile process.