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Webinar on-demand

Are you faced with software that used to perform well?

Is you software now slow? Well take a look at this webinar where imaginary and modern worlds collide forces to help you in your quest for quality. The aim: to regain lost quality.

Abderrazak and Nabil give you food for thought on how to maintain software quality and make it more sustainable, using an analogy between the desertification of ITOPIA village by inhabitants and of an application by its users.


Abderrazak Dahmani - Head of the QESTIT's advisory & training department

Nabil Idhammou - Consulting engineer / Trainer

Webinar in French

Copie de QESTIT Design  SOME (35)

Building a strong and efficient strategy

Efficiently managing test cases can substantially reduce costs by streamlining workflows, minimizing errors, and optimizing resource allocation. Need support to define the right strategy?