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How to visualize your test strategy

When developing a test strategy, there is a great risk that it will become a massive paper product that is not actively used within the organization. By using different models, you can reduce the scope of the documentation and shorten the time it takes to define, understand, and implement the strategy.

In this webinar, Jan go through different models that can be used as a framework, examples of how they have been used in different projects, as well as tips and pitfalls that can be good to be aware of.


Jan Sahlström - Formely Test Lead at QESTIT

The webinar is in English


EN > Watch > Webinar > Visualize your test strategy

Building a robust test strategy

An effective test strategy provides a clear roadmap for testing activities, optimizes resource allocation, and enhances communication among team members, ultimately leading to faster delivery times and higher customer satisfaction. Our team can help you define an efficient strategy tailored to your specific needs, ensuring your software developpement success.